Domestic Violence Advocate, Social Activist, Consultant & Entertainment Producer


L.A.S.E.R.S., Leaving Abuse, Supporting Everyone, Restoring Survivors, or simply LASERS, – Targeting Domestic Violence Holistically, is an intimate partner violence/family violence program. Stemming from her ongoing activist work nationally, LASERS was established in 2013 and is the vision of national domestic violence advocate, survivor, activist, speaker, and consultant Ms. Lyn Twyman.  Since 2009, Lyn has been vigorously fighting to save this generation and the next from domestic violence. In 2010, Lyn lobbied at The International Violence Against Women Act Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill. Among her years of consulting and activism, she was integral in drafting domestic violence legislation in several states and was instrumental in the passage of the internationally historic Public Domestic Violence Registry of Guam. Lyn has twice met with advisors of President Obama to discuss domestic violence programming and privacy protection for crime victims.  She also serves on The State of Maryland Governor’s Office of Community Initiatives Interfaith Domestic Violence Coalition. Lyn has also has been a featured guest on several media outlets including WJLA ABC News, WFMY CBS News, WPGC CBS Radio, CBS Radio Los Angeles, Fox News, and Michael Baisden. As a survivor of psychological child abuse and intimate partner violence, Lyn is passionate about helping those who suffer from abuse or with its traumatic effects, especially those suffering from generational and cultural trauma. LASERS was created to give the community a holistic approach to domestic violence.



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